
Selected publications available on ResearchGate, and New York Review of Books
    (authored by G.H. Shepard Jr. unless otherwise noted)

    In press     G.H. Shepard Jr. & R. Pace “Anthropophagy and authenticity in Kayapó media production.” Current Anthropology( 2020).

    2020     G.H. Shepard Jr., C.R. Clement, H.P. Lima, G. Mendes dos Santos, C. de Paula Moraes & E.G. Neves, “Ancient and Traditional Agriculture in South America: Tropical Lowlands.” In: R. Hazlitt (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

    2020     M. Opas, L.F. Torres, F. Milanez & G.H. Shepard Jr. “Resistance beyond the Frontier: Concepts and Policies for the Protection of Isolated Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon.” Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 16(1) Article 1: 1-4.

    2020     M. Opas, L.F. Torres, F. Milanez & G.H. Shepard Jr. (Eds.) Indigenous Peoples in Isolation: Terminology, Territory and Processes of ContactTipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America16(1).

    2020     J.P. Boubli, B. Urbani, H. Caballero-Arias, G.H. Shepard Jr& M. Lizarralde “Primates in the lives of the Yanomami people of Brazil and Venezuela.” In: M. Lizarralde & B. Urbani (Eds.) Neotropical Ethnoprimatology: Indigenous Peoples’ Perceptions of and Interactions with Non-Human Primates. New York: Springer.

    2019     “Toé (Brugmansia suaveolens): The path of day and night.” The Ethnobotanical Assembly, December 2019.

    2019     A.Q. Testa, A. Clistenes, A. de Souza, A.R.G.B. Proença & G.H. Shepard Jr. et al. “Crisis in the Amazon.” The New York Review of Books, Nov. 7, 2019. 

    2019     G.H. Shepard Jr. & L.F. Torres “Os povos isolados na fronteira Peru e Brasil, com foco na região Madre de Dios.” In: F. Ricardo & M.F. Gongora (Eds.), Cercos e Resistências: Povos indígenas isolados na Amazônia brasileira. São Paulo: InstitutoSocioambiental, 182-189.

    2019     “Toé (Brugmansia suaveolens): O caminho do dia e caminho da noite.” In: B.C Labate & S.L. Goulart (Eds.) O Uso de Plantas Piscoativas nas Américas. Rio de Janeiro: Gramma/NEIP, 121-136.

    2019     J.F. Moraes, A.F.M.B. Baniwa, F.R.C. Costa, H.P. Lima, C.R. Clement & G.H. Shepard Jr.“Historical landscape domestication in ancestral forests with nutrient-poor soils of northwestern Amazonia.” Forest Ecology Management446: 317-330.        

    2019     L. Daly & G.H. Shepard Jr., “Magic darts and messenger molecules: Towards a phytoethnography of indigenousAmazonia.” Anthropology Today35(2): 13-17.

    2019     A.P. Antunes, G.H. Rebêlo, J.C.B. Pezzuti, M.A.R. de M. Vieira, P. de A. Constantino, J.V. Campos-Silva, R. Fonseca, C.C. Durigan, R.M. Ramos, J. V. do Amaral, N.C. Pimenta, N. Ranzi, T.J. Damo, N.A. Souza & G.H. Shepard Jr., “A conspiracy of silence: Subsistence hunting rights in the Brazilian Amazon.” Land Use Policy(84): 1–11.

    2019     “The hunter in the rye: Ergot, sedges and hunting magic in the Peruvian Amazon.” The Ethnobotanical Assembly, March 2019.

    2018     R. Pace, G.H. Shepard Jr. & C. Kottak, “Kayapó T.V.:  An Audience Ethnography of Televiewing in Turedjam Village, Brazil.” In: R. Pace (Ed.), From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America.Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 49-58.

    2018     R. Pace & G.H. Shepard Jr., “Kiabieti Metuktire and Terence Turner: A Legacy of Kayapó Filmmaking.” In: R. Pace (Ed.),From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America.Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 212-236

    2018     “Spirit bodies, plant teachers and messenger molecules in Amazonian shamanism.” In: D. McKenna (Ed.) Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs II: 50 Years of Research (1967-2017). Santa Fe: Synergetic Press, 70-81.

    2018     “Three days for weeping: Dreams, emotions and death in the Peruvian Amazon.” In: A.C.G.M. Robben (Ed.) Death, Mourning, and Burial: A cross-cultural reader [2ndedition]. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 181-201. [Reprinted from Shepard (2002), Medical Anthropology Quarterly16(2): 1-30].

    2018     N.C. Pimenta, A.L.S. Gonçalves, G.H. Shepard, V.W. Macedo & A.P.A. Barnett. “The return of giant otter to the Baniwa Landscape: A multi-scale approach to species recovery in the middle Içana River, Northwest Amazonia, Brazil.” Biological Conservation 224: 318-326.

    2018     N.C. Pimenta, A.P. Antunes, A.A. Barnett, V.W. Macedo & Glenn H. Shepard JR. “Differential resilience of Amazonian otters along the Rio Negro in the aftermath of the 20th century international fur trade.” PLoS One3(3): e0193984.

    2017     G.H. Shepard, C. López, P. de Robert & C.E. Chaves, “Objeto, sujeito, inimigo, vovó: Um estudo em etnomuseologia comparada entre os Mebêngôkre-Kayapó e Baniwa do Brasil.” Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Ciências Humanas12(3): 765-787.

    2017     V.M.F. da Silva, G.H. Shepard Jr. & N.A.S. do Carmo. “Os mamíferos aquáticos: lendas, usos e interações com as populações humanas na Amazônia brasileira.” In: G. Marchand & F. F. Vander Velden (Eds.), Olhares cruzados sobre as relações entre homens e animais selvagens na Amazônia (Brasil, Guiana francesa). Manaus: Editora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (EDUA), 115-137.

    2017     M.A.R. de Mattos & G.H. Shepard Jr., “A anta tem muita ciência”: racionalidade ecológica e ritual da caça entre ribeirinhos amazônicos.” In: G. Marchand & F. F. Vander Velden (Eds.), Olhares cruzados sobre as relações entre homens e animais selvagens na Amazônia (Brasil, Guiana francesa). Manaus: Editora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (EDUA). 17-32.

    2017     “A década do contato.” In: B. Ricardo & F. Ricardo, eds. Povos Indígenas no Brasil 2011/2016. São Paulo: Instituto Socioambiental, 556-559.

    2017    “Ayahuasca in the 21st century: Having it both ways.” In: B. Labate, C. Cavnar & A.K. Gearin, eds. The World Ayahuasca Diaspora: Reinventions and Controversies. Routledge.

    2016    A.P. Antunes, R.M. Fewster, E.M. Venticinque, CA. Peres, T. Levi, F. Rohe & G.H. Shepard Jr. “Empty forest, or empty rivers? A century of commercial hunting in Amazonia.” Science Advances 2(10): e1600936 (Oct. 12, 2016).

    2016    “Botanies of desire: traditional medicine, sexual attraction and odour classification in two Amazonian societies.” In: M. Barkat-Defradas & E. Motte-Florac, eds. Words for Odours: Language Skills and Cultural Insights. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 69-88.

    2016    “Ceci n’est pas un contacte: The festishization of isolated indigenous people of the Amazon.” Tipiti 14(1): 135-137.

    2016    F. Milanez & G.H. Shepard Jr. “The few remaining: Genocide survivors and the Brazilian state.” Tipiti 14(1): 131-134.

    2015    M.A.R. de Mattos Vieira, E.M. von Muhlen & G.H. Shepard Jr., “Participatory monitoring and management of subsistence hunting in the Piagaçu-Purus Reserve, Brazil.” Conservation and Society 13(3): 254-264.

    2015    C. Tavares Freitas, G.H Shepard Jr, & M.T.F Piedade. “The Floating Forest: Traditional knowledge and use of matupá vegetation islands by riverine peoples of the Central Amazon.” PLoS One 10(4): e0122542

    2015    J. Lins, H.P. Lima, F.B. Baccaro, V.F. Kinupp, G.H Shepard Jr. & C.R. Clement. “Pre-Columbian Floristic Legacies in Modern Homegardens of Central Amazonia” PLoS One 10(6): e0127067

    2015    “Will the real shaman please stand up?: The recent adoption of ayahuasca among indigenous groups of the Peruvian Amazon.” In: B. Labate & C. Cavnar (Eds).  Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press, 16-39.

    2014    Antunes, A.P., G.H Shepard Jr. & E.M. Venticinque. “O comércio internacional de peles silvestres na Amazônia brasileira no século XX.” Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 9: 487-499.

    2014    R. Pace, G.H Shepard Jr. & C. Kottak. “Street Protests and Electronic Media in Brazil.” Anthropology News 55(2): 20-21. 

    2014    “The Voice of the Shaman: Review of The Falling Sky by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert,” The New York Review of Books 51(16): 50-54.

    2014   “Will the real shaman please stand up?: The recent adoption of ayahuasca among indigenous groups of the Peruvian Amazon.” In: B. Labate and C. Cavnar (Eds).  Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press, 16-39.

    2014    “Hunting in Amazônia.” In: Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. Article ID: 382704 · Chapter ID: 9909.

    2014 J. Groenendijk, G. Perez & G.H. Shepard Jr. Tito Intiri Chavaropana / Tito y el lobo de río. Cusco: San Diego Zoo Global Peru.

    2014   A. Antunes,  G.H. Shepard Jr. & E.M. Venticinque, “O Comércio internacional de peles silvestres na amazônia Brasileira no seculo XX.” Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas 9(2): 487-518.

    2014   “The eye of the needle.” Anthropology and Humanism 39(1): 67-79.

    2014    R. Pace, G.H. Shepard Jr. & Conrad Kottak, “Brazil’s street protests and electronic/digital media in small towns and villages.” Anthropology News 55(5):37-38.

    2013   “Kaya-Pop: The brave new world of indigenous music in Brazil.” Anthropology News Online, June 14, 2013:

    2012   G.H. Shepard Jr., T. Levi, E.G. Neves, C.A. Peres & D.W. Yu. "Hunting in ancient and modern Amazonia: Rethinking sustainability." American Anthropologist 114(4): 652-667. 

    2012   G. Castro de la Mata, P. Majluf, G.H. Shepard Jr. & R.C. Smith (2012) “Independent Advisory Panel on Development Issues in South-Central Peru – 2011-2012 Report.” Lima:  Independent Advisory Panel on Development Issues in South-Central Peru / Centro de Sustentabilidade Ambiental, Universidad Peruano Cayetano Heredia, 53 pages.

    2012   R. Pace & G.H. Shepard Jr. "Through Kayapo Cameras." Anthropology News 53(4): 18.

    2012    "Close Encounters of the Mashco Kind: Attack by an isolated indigenous group in Peru." Anthropology News 53(1): Knowledge Exchange Online, January 2012.

    2011   "The Mark and Olly follies.Anthropology News 52(5): 18. 

    2011   G.H. Shepard Jr. and H. Ramirez. "Made in Brazil: Human dispersal of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) in ancient Amazonia." Economic Botany 65(1): 44-65.

    2011  T. Levi, G.H. Shepard Jr., J. Ohl-Schacherer, C. Wilmers, C.A. Peres and D.W. Yu. “Spatial tools for modeling the sustainability of subsistence hunting in tropical forests.” Ecological Applications 21(5): 1802-1818.

    2011    A. Junqueira, C. R. Clement & G.H. Shepard Jr. "Secondary forests on anthropogenic soils of the middle Madeira River: Valuation, Local Knowledge, and landscape domestication in Brazilian Amazonia." Economic Botany 65(1): 85-99.

    2010   G. Castro de la Mata, P. Majluf, G.H. Shepard Jr. and R.C. Smith. "Independent Advisory Panel on Development Issues in South-Central Peru - 2010 Report." Lima: Centro para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.   

    2010    D.W. Yu, T. Levi & G.H. Shepard Jr. "Conservation in low-governance environments." Biotropica 42(5): 569–571. 

    2010   A. Junqueira, C. R. Clement and Glenn H. Shepard Jr. "Secondary forests on anthropogenic soils in Brazilian Amazonia conserve agrobiodiversity." Biodiversity and Conservation 19(7): 1933-1961. 

    2010   M.B. Abraão, G.H. Shepard Jr., J. Claudio, B.W. Nelson, G. Andrello and Douglas W. Yu "Baniwa habitat classification in the white-sand campinarana forests of the Northwest Amazon." In: E. Hunn and L.M. Johnson (Eds.) Landscape Ethnoecology – Concepts of Biotic and Physical  Space. Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology Series, Vol. 9. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 53-115. 

    2010   G.H. Shepard Jr., K. Rummenhoeller, J. Ohl and D. Yu "Trouble in Paradise: Indigenous populations, anthropological policies, and biodiversity conservation in Manu National Park, Peru." Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29(2): 252-301. 

    2009   "Indigenous people defend rainforest as well as their rights." Nature 460: 457. 

    2009   D. P. Edwards, M. E. Frederickson, G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu. "‘A plant needs its ants like a dog needs its fleas’: Myrmelachista schumanni ants gall many tree species to create housing." The American Naturalist 174(5): 734-740. 

    2009   W. Endo, C.A. Peres, E. Salas, S. Mori, J.L. Sanchez-Vega, G.H. Shepard Jr., V. Pacheco and D.W. Yu. "Game Vertebrate Densities in Hunted and Nonhunted Forest Sites in Manu National Park, Peru." Biotropica 42(2): 251-261.

    2009   T. Levi, G.H. Shepard Jr., J. Ohl-Schacherer, C.A. Peres and D.W. Yu. "Modeling the long-term sustainability of indigenous hunting in Manu National Park, Peru:  Landscape-scale management implications for Amazonia." Journal of Applied Ecology 46(4): 804-814. 

    2008    M.B. Abraão, B.W. Nelson, D.W. Yu and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Ethnobotanical ground-truthing: Indigenous knowledge, floristic inventories and satellite imagery in the Upper Rio Negro, Brazil." Journal of Biogeography. 35(12): 2237-2248. 

    2008      D. Arora and G.H. Shepard Jr. (Eds.) Mushrooms and Economic Botany. Special issue of Economic Botany 62(3). 

    2008   D. Arora and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Introduction: Mushrooms and economic botany." Economic Botany  62(3): 207-212. 

    2008   G.H. Shepard Jr., D. Arora and A. Lampman "The grace of the flood: Mushroom classification and use among the highland Maya of Chiapas." Economic Botany 62(3): 437-470. 

    2008   C. Izquierdo, A. Johnson and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Revenge, envy and cultural change in an Amazonian society." In: S. Beckerman and P. Valentine (Eds.) Revenge in the Cultures of Lowland South America. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 162-186. 

    2008   J. Ohl, E. Mannigel, C. Kirkby, G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu "Indigenous ecotourism in the Amazon: A case study of ‘Casa Matsiguenka’ in Manu National Park, Peru." Environmental Conservation 35:14-25. 

    2008   "The reality (TV) of vanishing lives: An interview with Glenn Shepard." Anthropology News 49(5):30. 

    2007    J. Ohl-Schacherer, G.H. Shepard Jr., H. Kaplan, C.A. Peres, T. Levi and D.W. Yu "The sustainability of subsistence hunting by Matsigenka native communities in Manu National Park, Peru." Conservation Biology 21(5): 1174-1185. 

    2007   J. Ohl-Schacherer, A. Wezel, G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu. "Swidden agriculture in a protected area: The Matsigenka native communities of Manu National Park, Peru." Environment, Development and Sustainability 10(6): 827-843. 

    2007   D.W. Yu, S.R. Proulx and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Masculinity, culture and the Paradox of the Lek." In: V. Swami and A. Furnham (Eds.) The Body Beautiful: Evolutionary and Sociocultural Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 88-107. 

    2007   M.B. Abraão, B.W. Nelson and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Spectral pattern predicts floristic composition and forest structure of white sand forests in the upper Rio Negro." Anais XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Florianópolis, Brasil, 21-26 abril 2007, INPE, 6541-6547. 

    2006      "Etnobiologia Yanomami." Ch. 6 in: J.P. Boubli and F.B. Pontual (Eds.) Biodiversidade de Vertebrados do Pantepui--AM. Final report to PROBIO (Projeto de Conservação e Utilização Sustentável da Diversidade Biológica Brasileira), Project No. 680029/02-8. Brasilia: PROBIO/Ministerio de Meio Ambiente, 102-128. 

    2006   "Gift of the spider woman ('Obsequio de la mujer araña')." In: Landolt, G. (Ed.) Enigmatic Textile Art of the Peruvian Amazon ('Tejidos enigmáticos de la Amazonía peruana'): Ashaninka - Matsiguenka - Yine. Lima: Cotton Knit, S.A.C., 39-56. 

    2005   da Silva, M.N.F., G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu "Conservation implications of primate hunting practices among the Matsigenka of Manu National Park, Peru." Neotropical Primates 13(2): 31-36. 

    2005   "Psychoactive botanicals in ritual, religion and shamanism." In: E. Elisabetsky & N. Etkin (Eds.), Ethnopharmacology (Vol 2.) Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems - EOLSS), Theme 6.79. Oxford, UK: UNESCO/Eolss Publishers, 128-182. 

    2005   "Venenos divinos: Plantas psicoativas dos Machiguenga do Peru." In: Labate, B. and Goulart, S. (Eds.) O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder. São Paulo: Editora Mercado de Letras, 187-217. 

    2004      "A sensory ecology of illness and therapy in two Amazonian societies." American Anthropologist 106(2): 252-266. 

    2004      “Native Central and South American shamanism.” In: Walter, M.N. and E.J.N. Fridman (Eds.) Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture, Vol. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 365-370. 

    2004         G.H. Shepard Jr., D.W. Yu and B.W. Nelson "Ethnobotanical ground-truthing and forest diversity in the Western Amazon." Advances in Economic Botany 15: 133-170. 

    2004      "Preemptive Anthropology: FAQs." Anthropology News 45(2): 60. 

    2004      G.H. Shepard Jr., M.N.F. da Silva, A.F. Brazão & P. van der Veld. "Arte Baniwa: Sustentabilidade socioambiental de arumã no Alto Rio Negro." In: F. Ricardo (Ed.), Terras Indígenas e Unidades de Conservação da Natureza: O desafio das sobreposições. São Paulo: Instituto Socioambiental, 129-143. 

    2003      C. Izquierdo and G.H. Shepard Jr. “The Matsigenka.” In: Ember, C.R. and M. Ember (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World’s Cultures. Vol. 2: Cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 823-837. 

    2003      C.A. Peres, C. Baider, P.A. Zuidema, L.H.O. Wadt, K.A. Kainer, D.A.P. Gomes-Silva, R.P. Salomão, L.L. Simões, E.R.N. Franciosi, F. Cornejo, R. Gribel, G.H. Shepard Jr., M. Kanashiro, P. Coventry, D.W. Yu, A.R. Watkinson and R.P. Freckleton "Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation." Science 302: 2112-2114. 

    2003      G.H. Shepard Jr. and C. Izquierdo “Los Matsiguenka de Madre de Dios y del Parque Nacional del Manu.” In: B. Huertas and A. Garcia (Eds.), Los Pueblos Indígenas de Madre de Dios: Historia, Etnografía e Coyuntura. Lima: International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), 111-126. 

    2003      “Los Yora/Yaminahua.” In: B. Huertas and A. Garcia (Eds.), Los Pueblos Indígenas de Madre de Dios: Historia, Etnografía e Coyuntura. Lima: IWGIA. 144-155. 

    2003      “Shamanes y la ambigüedad entre el bien y el mal entre los Matsiguenka.” In: B. Huertas and A. Garcia (Eds.), Los Pueblos Indígenas de Madre de Dios: Historia, Etnografía e Coyuntura. Lima: IWGIA, 243-257. 

    2003      G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu. "Vanishing cultures (comment)." New York Review of Books, 50(6): 92 (April 10, 2002). 

    2002      “De yerbas amargas y fragantes: Etnofarmacología y los sentidos entre los Matsiguenka y los Yora del Manu.” Recursos Naturales 1(1): 84-93. Lima: Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA). 

    2002      “Primates in Matsigenka subsistence and worldview.” In: Fuentes, A. and L. Wolfe (Eds.), Primates Face to Face. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 101-136. 

    2002      "Three days for weeping: Dreams, emotions and death in the Peruvian Amazon." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 16(2): 1-30. 

    2002      “Nature’s Madison Avenue: Sensory cues as mnemonic devices in the transmission of medicinal plant knowledge.” In: Stepp, J.R., F.S. Wyndham and R.K. Zarger (Eds.), Ethnobiology and Biocultural Diversity: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Ethnobiology. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 326-335. 

    2002      "Why I sometimes wish I were an armchair anthropologist.Anthropology News 43(1): 65. 

    2002      “Prólogo.” In: Huertas, B., Los Pueblos Indígenas en Aislamiento: Su lucha por la sobrevivencia y la libertad. Lima: IWGIA, 11-14. 

    2002      G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu “Conocimientos tradicionales, biodiversidad y alternativas para el desarrollo en la Amazonía.” In: Rodriguez, L. (Ed.), Manu y otras experiencias de investigación y manejo de bosques neotropicales: Actas y memorias del Simposio Internacional, Puerto Maldonado, 2001. Lima: Pro-Manu, European Union and Government of Peru. 

    2001      G.H. Shepard Jr., D.W. Yu, M. Lizarralde and M. Italiano "Rainforest habitat classification among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon." Journal of Ethnobiology 21(1):1-38. 

    2001      G.H. Shepard Jr. and D.W. Yu “Verificación etnobotánica de imágenes de satélite: La intersección de conocimientos tradicionales y científicos.” Debate Agrario 33: 19-24 (Lima: Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales). 

    2001      G.H. Shepard Jr. and A. Chicchon “Resource use and ecology of the Matsigenka of the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Vilcabamba.” In: Alonso, A.E., A. Alonso, T.S. Schulenberg & F. Dallmeier, (Eds.), Biological and Social Assessments of the Cordillera de Vilcabamba, Peru. Washington, D.C.: Conservation International. (RAP Working Papers No. 12), 164-174. 

    2001      “An ethnobotanist dreams of scientists and shamans collaborating.” In: J. Narby & F. Huxley (Eds.) Shamans through Time. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 298-300. Excerpted from Shepard (1998), J. Psychoactive Drugs. 

    1999      D.W. Yu and G.H. Shepard Jr. "The mystery of female beauty: Yu and Shepard reply."  Nature 399: 216. 

    1999      “Pharmacognosy and the Senses in Two Amazonian Societies.” Ph.D. dissertation, Medical Anthropology Program, University of California, Berkeley. 

    1999      “Shamanism and diversity: A Matsigenka perspective.” In: Posey, D.A. (Ed.), Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. London: United Nations Environmental Programme and Intermediate Technology Publications (Supplement to the U.N.E.P. Global Biodiversity Assessment), 93-95. 

    1998      D.W. Yu and G.H. Shepard Jr. "Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?"  Nature 396: 321-322. 

    1998      "Psychoactive plants and ethnopsychiatric medicines of the Matsigenka." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 30(4): 321-332. 

    1998      “Gift of the harpy eagle: Hunting medicines of the Machiguenga,” The South American Explorer 51: 9-11, 21. 

    1997      “Noun classification and ethnozoological classification in Machiguenga, an Arawakan language of the Peruvian Amazon.” Journal of Amazonian Languages 1(1):29-57. Pittsburgh: Dept. Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh. 

    1987      “Ancient Visions of Healing, Hopes for Modern Health: A Medical Ethnography of Rival Peruvian Villages.” Senior Thesis, Princeton University.