April 18, 2022

The Cosmic Serpent: A poem on carnival and karma, first published by Sapiens

Most Carnival celebrations in Brazil were canceled for a second year in a row in 2022 due to the resurgence of COVID-19. This poem, which I wrote during Carnival preparations in the tropical city of Manaus many years prior, was recently published by Sapiens for the first time.

The Cosmic Serpent:

I am bit by a copy of a key
fitting the lock
of a door ajar
a melon wedge
of moon lent 
as a blessing by a sultry sun
upon slick yearning bodies
I fit snug in this body of nails
teeth hard things animate 
in a herd of elbows
with eyes
snapping in recoil from
pain slave to pleasure
shuddering at the pinwheel
I am hunger
in ebbs and flows
hormonal despot over the senses
one more consumer
lusting a wake
through this world
this mad race before the door
I am bit by a copy
of a copy of a key
a lock of helical hair
a serpent eating its tail
beneath the spiraling galaxies
wondering what is
why where is my sharp-toothed


Read the story behind this poem at Sapiens
Other poems:
      The Fish Trap 
               Unlikely Blessings
              Yellow Jessamine